Support of Istanbul Art Shows and International Fairs
To enrich and diversify the contents of Istanbul art shows and make them more accessible for limited income groups as well as to give them an international dimension. At the same time, provide consultancy services and financial help to the fairs to facilitate participation of international galleries and col
lectors to 2010.
Establishing and Supporting Arts and Culture Forums
To prepare annual international and interdisciplinary forums in collaboration with local goverments, universities and NGos in 2008-2010; to publish the results. The aim is to bring togerhet the arts and culture forums ( panels, symposia, conferences and workshops ) to be organized by local goverments, universitias and NHOs as an integrated project within the framework of Istanbul 2010 and to provide consultancy services to all involved institurions.
ULISfotoFest - International Photography Festival
Utilizing the traditional and modern presentation possibilities of photography and fo the festival to embrace the visitors as an event that faces bot only the West and the North but also the East and the South, to create an atmosphere with the universal language of photography, careful to avoil all kinds of discrimination and prejudices as well as emphasizing communication and friendship between people from diverse countries and culture.
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