
With a view to promoting Istanbul as a destination for culture tourism through and arts events and cultural diversity, besides relying on the city's existing wealth of history, a concept of promoting Istanbul though culture and art is being developed and events to this and are being organized. The aim is to reinforce and anhance the existing perception along this direction both within Turkey and abroad; increasing tje number af visitors to Istanbul and enabling the city to gain further economic benefits from this process.


Events in Turkey and abroad are being utilized for promoting the Istanbul 2010 project,

Participation in international tourism, book, art and design fairs and exhibitions that can be linked with the 2010 Euopean Capital of Culture ( ECOC ) project

Istanbul 2010 is promoted among the congress participants in international conferences and congresses held in Istanbul,

Work is undertaken in coordination with public bodies and relevant sector establishments to follow up international events and to plan joint events.

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